De-hair is proud to present our world class technology from USA to remove hair in the safest, and most effective way. Choosing laser hair removal over other techniques offers a long term solution for smooth, silky and hair-free skin.
Today Lasers are used in the medical world because of its precision. This precision is important as it targets only hair follicles leaving the surrounding skin undamaged.
Because of its precision, Laser hair removal is considered the safest hair removal technique for sensitive areas such as Brazilian and Bikini.
The system’s patented technology and IN Motion™ protocol safely and gently heats the targeted area. Pulses of energy gradually heat the follicles in the skin’s sub dermal layer. An additional cooling mechanism further ensures the surface of your skin stays cool and comfortable throughout your treatment.
Shaving and waxing may cause trauma to the skin. When you wax or shave, the hair may break under the skin. As a result, the follicles curl in on themselves and get trapped under the surface of the skin causing in-grown hair. Laser hair removal is able to solve this issue as the laser directly targets the hair follicles. After several sessions, the follicle becomes weak and hair growth reduces significantly.
There is a permanent hair reduction with Laser hair removal. You can save countless hours spent on removing hair once you get De-haired.
Laser hair removal is one of the most effective and safest way to remove hair. Each treatment may cost more in comparison to other alternative methods of removing hair. However, customers are generally satisfied with just 5-8 sessions while shaving and waxing is a lifetime expenditure.
Laser hair removal offers long lasting results. Be free to wear whatever you want, whenever you want!
We use the very latest and most effective laser hair removal technology, made in USA. Our Laser Diode shatters the myth of no-pain, no-gain. The system’s patented technology and IN Motion™ protocol safely and gently heats the targeted area. Pulses of energy gradually heat the follicles in the skin’s sub dermal layer. An additional cooling mechanism further ensures the surface of your skin stays cool and comfortable throughout your treatment. Most people find the laser comfortable. While pain tolerance is subjective, many patients describe it as soothing and like a, “Hot stone massage”.
How We’re Different?
Most conventional laser hair removal technologies utilize massive amounts of heat to destroy hair follicles and ensure permanent reduction. De-hair Laser Hair Removal, on the other hand, is a unique technology that delivers low heat levels at a fast delivery.
By utilizing low heat, laser diode decreases the pain and minimizes the risk of side effects. This is why no numbing cream is necessary.
Laser is the most effective method for hair removal because Laser pulses can be controlled and is targeted DIRECTLY to the hair follicles leaving the surrounding skin undamaged while improving one’s skin tone.
Goodbye to hairy issues!
With laser hair removal treatments you can bid goodbye to your hairy issues. Our laser is suitable for all skin types including tanned skin as well as blonde hair! Best of all, the high speed of delivery creates a short treatment; 5 to 15 minutes on a small body part and 20 to 30 minutes on the average man’s back.
Be hair free and care free!!
We recommend that you shave a day or two before your treatment session. If you have just waxed, you need to wait one or two weeks for the hair to grow a little before visiting our centre.
At first, it will feel cold (as the tip is chilled), but slowly it will start to feel warm.
Each area takes just a few minutes to treat. While an upper lip takes a lot less time than a man’s back, any area can be treated completely in one short session.
Depending on the area being treated, you will return in 4-8 weeks for your next treatment. Use SPF 30 (or higher) sunscreen on the treated area between treatments.
After treatment, avoid:
Take Note:
Half Face (Upper)
Half Face (Lower)
Full Face
Other Facial areas
We are medically-licensed company based in Jakarta. We believe that beauty should be safe, effective, and handled by qualified and knowledgeable operators.
Many clinics in Jakarta offer IPL hair removal, but treatment by IPL does not produce the same results as laser treatment. IPL scatters an array of different light wavelengths (like a light bulb) into the skin at different depths – only a few of these will be effective for hair reduction.
FACT. A more shallow penetration by IPL in comparison to laser means that deeper, thicker hairs are not treated effectively.
FACT. Laser technology is the only method to kill the root of the hair, once and for all.
We use the latest and most effective laser machine from the USA. Our new dual tipped sapphire laser targets the melanin in the hair precisely to attack the follicle for faster, more effective and pain-free hair removal.
FACT. IPL treatment is painful.
FACT. Laser treatment is not painful. This is the difference. This is the Ouch-free factor.
With our laser, you can even treat sensitive areas without the pain of other systems. With IPL some of the light cannot be absorbed into the surrounding tissue, leading to heating of the pigment in the skin. This is why there is more of a risk of burns for a darker skin type with IPL.
Our laser machines are suitable for both women and men of all skin types including tanned skin. You’ll have lasting results with only a series of relatively short sessions. With the smartest laser in town we can change the setting according to your skin type, whether fair, medium or dark.
“Recently I had decided to do my first laser hair removal and was a little nervous about how it would feel. We lasered one underarm and then my bikini line. I was surprised at how comfortable it was to have it done. I’m on my 3rd session and it is amazing what dramatic results you can get so quickly.” Dilli Setiamurti
Laser hair removal is the most effective way to permanently remove hair. It works by disrupting the function of the hair follicle. The hair follicle still exists post-treatment but is not able to grow hair if targeted during its growth phase.
No more hair! You can wear the clothes you want to wear and start feeling good about yourself and your appearance.
Laser Hair removal makes your skin flawless, radiant and brings out a confident new you !
DISCOUNT 5% for all treatment on the first transaction after became a member.
DISCOUNT 5% for treatment package on the next transactions.
DISCOUNT 40% for third package on the same area.
DISCOUNT 50% for the fourth package on the same area.
Birthday promotion.